Via Jordy kwam ik hier terecht. Je kan er je naam laten analyseren, op een of andere mystieke manier.
Although the name Maarten creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and nervous system.
Your first name of Maarten has given you a clever, deep mind and the talent to excel in highly inspirational lines of endeavour as a dramatist, musician, writer, or artist. You can be lifted by beauty in all forms and you are at the most creative when inspired. Your expressive, affectionate nature responds very quickly through your feelings, but you must guard against being possessive and jealous. You feel and sense much that you do not fully understand and cannot express. Your delight in mystery could draw you into occult studies or religions.
Je krijgt maar een korte beschrijving – voor meer moet je betalen. Maar vertel eens, wie bent u eigenlijk?
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